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$0 /month

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Dive in with our complimentary plan
  • Unlimited links
  • Statistics and basic analytical
  • 1 free bio link page
  • Free themes
  • Customize design
  • Social engagement tools
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$4 /month

Yearly payment of $36

Unlock enhanced capabilities
  • Unlimited links
  • Checkmark Verification
  • Statistics and advanced analytical
  • 5 free bio link pages
  • Get Pro themes
  • Hide Linkeyo Logo
Get started

$8 /month

Yearly payment of $72

Maximize efficiency with premium features
  • Unlimited links
  • Checkmark Verification
  • Statistics and advanced analytical
  • Receive tips and payments
  • Subscriber list
  • Unlimited bio link pages
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Unlock your bio’s page potential

Elevate your link-in-bio page. Maximize your online presence with a suite of powerful tools tailored for success.


$0 /month


$4 /month


$8 /month

Unlimited links

Statistics and basic analytical

Free themes

Social engagement tools

Customize design

Social icons

Custom background

Custom colors

Font Styles

Title and descrition

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Checkmark Verification

Bookmark folders

Get Pro themes

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Subscriber list

Receive tips and payments

Custom domain name

Statistics and advanced analytical

Unlimited bio link pages

Your questions, answereds

We accept payments via credit card and PayPal. Choose the option that works best for you at checkout.
Yes, you can change your subscription plan at any time. You can upgrade or downgrade between the Free, Basic, and Business plans according to your needs.
Currently, we do not offer a free trial since we provide a Free plan that you can use indefinitely to evaluate our basic services. If you need more features, you can consider upgrading to a paid plan.
If you decide to cancel your subscription, you can do so at any time without any penalties or additional fees. Your plan will remain active until the end of the billing period, after which you will not be billed further.
Yes, we offer a discount for annual payments. For the Basic plan, the cost is $3 per month when paid annually (totaling $36), and for the Business plan, it’s $6 per month when paid annually (totaling $72). This offers a substantial saving compared to the monthly payment option.